Urban agriculture Oosterwold
Oosterwold is a green, agricultural area between Almere and Zeewolde. Step by step, the area is being designed for living, working and recreation.
The Oosterwolders are doing this themselves, alone or with others. And as much as possible sustainable, ecological and self-sufficient. Not only will they build their own homes, businesses or facilities, they will also be responsible for the roads, water management and public space.
There is plenty of room for this, because on most plots in Oosterwold there is room for up to 12.5% construction and at least 50% urban agriculture, 7% public greenery and 2% water. The people of Oosterwold decide exactly what Oosterwold will look like. They choose their own place and the size of the plot.
This means that taking the initiative in Oosterwold means much more than building a house and decorating the plot; it is the ultimate form of do-it-yourself area development.

Many problems for which heavy chemicals are being used, can be solved with natural solutions.
Based on research of The University of Wageningen
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